Couchbase User Automation On Linux

In this article, you will examine how to manage couchbase user operations with an automation via bash script.

while :
echo "###################"
echo "1. Get Users Information"
echo "2. Current User's Roles List"
echo "3. Change Password"
echo "4. List All Roles"
echo "5. Grant Role For Bucket"
echo "6. Drop Role From Bucket"
echo "7. Grant Admin Role"
echo "8. Drop Admin Role "
echo "9. Create Local User"
echo "d. Delete Local User"
echo "c. Create External User"
echo "x. Delete External User"
echo "0. Quit"
echo -n "Select your process:"
read -n 1 -t 15 a
printf "\n"
case $a in

1* ) 
read -p "enter host name:" hostname 
read -p "enter username:" username 
cd $CB_HOME/bin 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $username-p $password --script="SELECT * FROM system:user_info" 

2* ) 
read -p "Enter Hostname:" hostname 
read -p "Enter Username:" username 
cd $CB_HOME/bin 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $username-p $password --script="SELECT * FROM system:applicable_roles"  

3* )
read -p "Enter Hostname:" hostname
read -p "Enter Username:" username 
read -p "Old Password:" password 
read -p "New Password:" newpassword 
couchbase-cli user-change-password -c $hostname --username $username --password $password --new-password $newpassword 
4* ) echo "###---Couchbase User Role List---###" 
echo "admin" 
echo "bucket_admin" 
echo "bucket_admin[*]" 
echo "cluster_admin" 
echo "replication_admin" 
echo "ro_admin" 
echo "view_admin" 
echo "views_admin[*]" 
echo "data_reader" 
echo "data_reader[*]" 
echo "data_writer" 
echo "data_writer[*]" 
echo "data_dcp_reader" 
echo "data_dcp_reader[*]" 
echo "data_backup[*]" 
echo "data_backup[*]" 
echo "data_monitoring" 
echo "fts_admin" 
echo "fts_searcher" 
echo "fts_searcher[*]" 
echo "query_manage_index" 
echo "query_manage_index[*]" 
echo "query_delete" 
echo "query_delete[*]" 
echo "query_insert" 
echo "query_insert[*]" 
echo "query_select" 
echo "query_update" 
echo "system_catalog" 
echo "###------###" 

5* ) 
read -p  "Enter Hostname : " hostname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Password : " adminpassword 
read -p  "Enter Username :" username 
read -p  "Enter Bucket name : " bucketname 
read -p  "Set Roles  ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " roles 
cd $CB_HOME/bin 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --script="GRANT $roles ON $bucketname TO $username;" 

6* ) 
read -p  "Enter Hostname : " hostname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword 
read -p  "Enter Username :" username 
read -p  "Enter Bucket name : " bucketname 
read -p  "Set Roles  ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " roles 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --script="REVOKE $roles ON $bucketname FROM $username;" 

7* ) 
read -p  "Enter Hostname : " hostname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword 
read -p  "Enter Username :" username 
read -p  "Set Roles  ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " roles 
cd $CB_HOME/bin 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --script="GRANT $roles TO $username;" 

8* ) 
read -p  "Enter Hostname :" hostname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p  "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword 
read -p  "Enter Username :" username 
read -p  "Set Roles  ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " roles 
cd $CB_HOME/bin 
./cbq -engine http://$hostname:8093 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --script="REVOKE $roles FROM $username;" 

9* ) 
read -p "Enter Hostname :" hostname 
read -p "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword 
read -p "Enter Username To Create:" username 
read -p "Set Password:" password read -p "Set roles  ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " roles   
couchbase-cli user-manage -c $hostname:8091 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --set --rbac-username $username --rbac-password $password --roles $roles --auth-domain local 

d* ) 
read -p "Enter Hostname :" hostname 
read -p "Enter Admin Name :" adminname 
read -p "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword 
read -p "Enter Username To Delete :" username 
couchbase-cli user-manage -c $hostname:8091 -u $adminname  -p $adminpassword --delete --rbac-username $username --auth-domain local 

c* ) 
read -p "Enter Hostname :" hostname 
read -p "Enter Admin Name :" adminname  
read -p "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword  
read -p "Enter Username To Create:" username  
read -p "Set Password:" password  read -p "Set roles ### write "," between roles,if you give multiple roles. ### : " 
couchbase-cli user-manage -c $hostname:8091 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --set --rbac-username $username --rbac-password $password --roles $roles --auth-domain external 

x* ) 
read -p "Enter Hostname :" hostname 
read -p "Enter Admin Name :" adminname  
read -p "Enter Admin Password :" adminpassword  r
ead -p "Enter Username To Delete :" username  
couchbase-cli user-manage -c $hostname:8091 -u $adminname -p $adminpassword --delete --rbac-username $username --auth-domain external 

0* )  
echo "###---Bye---###";      
exit 0;; 

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